Friday, August 15, 2008


Finally we arrived in Nauvoo! Here's a picture of Lillian in the Visitor's Center standing by what she says is "her temple"! Then right outside of the Visitor's Center is the Garden of Statues. My favorite part about coming to Nauvoo was when we drove in we actually ended up on a road that followed the river and it came up a hill and around a curve and I saw the temple coming up the hill. It actually took my breath away for just a second. It was beautiful! Looking just like the pioneers had probably built the first one!

One of the kids favorite spots was the Blacksmith shop and we learned the difference between a Wheelright and a Wainright ( a wheelright made the wheels and wainright made the wagons) We also were able to take an Ox Cart ride (Jacob said they were too stinky!) Our family was also able to take a horse and wagon ride as well and Lillian loved that because she was right up front with the horse!

On our last day in Nauvoo we took a walk down Parley street where the saints walked as they left to cross the river and go west. About halfway down the walk you can turn around and see the temple poking up through the trees and I imagine it was quite a heartbreaking sight for them to leave that temple and city. At the end of Parley street before the river is a statue of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

Jessica is standing in front of the famous (or infamous!) Porter Rockwell. When Ted and I looked up our ancestors in Land and Records we found out that my ancestor John D. Lee owned property next to this property, to the south.

In the Heber C. Kimball home there was lots of fun stuff to see, and this room that Lilly is sitting in is a kids room and that is actually a pioneer kids potty seat. It was on our trip that spurred Lillian to potty train. Everywhere we went Jacob's announcement was always "I need to go potty!" so Lilly started saying the same thing and when we got home she ditched her diaper and has been going potty in the toilet ever since... it is a Wonderful Life at the Lunt home!!!

Here at the bottom of the page are pictures of Jessica and Geoffrey doing what they do best anywhere they go!!!

Sorry guys had to put it in! I love them anyway and they were wonderful on our family trip!


J and L Palmer said...

looks like a very fun trip!!

Blogger said...

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